Purchased Referred Care (PRC) is involved in the procurement of medical services from the private healthcare sector for patients in need of care not directly available from NTHS or an IHS facility.
If a patient requires care that is not available at NTHS or an IHS facility, a referral will be made to a private sector provider or service. Referrals are subject to review and approval by the PRC Review Committee.
The PRC staff will arrange the patient's appointment with the private sector provider or service if the referral is approved by the PRC Review Committee.
Emergency room visits to private healthcare facilities must be reported within 72 hours to the PRC staff after the beginning of emergency treatment. Cases are reviewed and prioritized in order of medical need by the PRC Review Committee. Payment for services is not guaranteed. To report an ER visit, call (918) 332-4470
Northeastern Tribal Health System
7600 S Highway 69A, Miami, Oklahoma 74354, United States